Source code for django.utils.safestring

Functions for working with "safe strings": strings that can be displayed safely
without further escaping in HTML. Marking something as a "safe string" means
that the producer of the string has already turned characters that should not
be interpreted by the HTML engine (e.g. '<') into the appropriate entities.

from django.utils.functional import Promise, curry, wraps

class SafeData(object):
    def __html__(self):
        Returns the html representation of a string for interoperability.

        This allows other template engines to understand Django's SafeData.
        return self

[docs]class SafeBytes(bytes, SafeData): """ A bytes subclass that has been specifically marked as "safe" (requires no further escaping) for HTML output purposes. """ def __add__(self, rhs): """ Concatenating a safe byte string with another safe byte string or safe unicode string is safe. Otherwise, the result is no longer safe. """ t = super(SafeBytes, self).__add__(rhs) if isinstance(rhs, SafeText): return SafeText(t) elif isinstance(rhs, SafeBytes): return SafeBytes(t) return t def _proxy_method(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrap a call to a normal unicode method up so that we return safe results. The method that is being wrapped is passed in the 'method' argument. """ method = kwargs.pop('method') data = method(self, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(data, bytes): return SafeBytes(data) else: return SafeText(data) decode = curry(_proxy_method, method=bytes.decode)
[docs]class SafeText(str, SafeData): """ A str subclass that has been specifically marked as "safe" for HTML output purposes. """ def __add__(self, rhs): """ Concatenating a safe unicode string with another safe byte string or safe unicode string is safe. Otherwise, the result is no longer safe. """ t = super(SafeText, self).__add__(rhs) if isinstance(rhs, SafeData): return SafeText(t) return t def _proxy_method(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrap a call to a normal unicode method up so that we return safe results. The method that is being wrapped is passed in the 'method' argument. """ method = kwargs.pop('method') data = method(self, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(data, bytes): return SafeBytes(data) else: return SafeText(data) encode = curry(_proxy_method, method=str.encode)
SafeString = SafeText def _safety_decorator(safety_marker, func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return safety_marker(func(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapped
[docs]def mark_safe(s): """ Explicitly mark a string as safe for (HTML) output purposes. The returned object can be used everywhere a string or unicode object is appropriate. If used on a method as a decorator, mark the returned data as safe. Can be called multiple times on a single string. """ if hasattr(s, '__html__'): return s if isinstance(s, bytes) or (isinstance(s, Promise) and s._delegate_bytes): return SafeBytes(s) if isinstance(s, (str, Promise)): return SafeText(s) if callable(s): return _safety_decorator(mark_safe, s) return SafeString(str(s))